The University of Cassino is located in a Campus just outside the city of Cassino.
Cassino is south of Rome and north of Naples, which can easily be reached with local or high-speed trains, as well as using the motorway.
The University is connected to the city by local bus services, and the train station is at a 20 minutes walking distance.
Students' dorms are available inside the Campus. The accommodation service for international students may be provided by LAZIODISU, the public Institution in Lazio territory for the Right to Academic Studies, whose main building is located in Viale dell'Università, loc. Folcara in Cassino.
For further information on accomodation please contact laura.morone at
International students are eligible for a meal plan. The cafeteria is located in Via Garigliano, at the LAZIODISU building, and in Folcara Campus. Cafeterias are open every day from noon to 2pm for lunch and from 7pm to 9pm for dinner (only in Via Garigliano). Breakfast is not served. Please notice that the cafeteria at the Folcara campus is not open on weekends